I tried summarising this in the about me bit of the dashboard, but it seems it's too big.
As I have now just changed the name of the blog from my name plus the word photography, to TMV Media Ltd; I should at least give you my life story as far as photographys is concerned.
I was first introduced to a camera, aged 4yrs, by my babysitter "Dawsie". Mrs Dawson grew up in Africa, where she had also spent a significant chunk of her adult life.
She shared her 3 biggest passions in life with me - Wildlife, Photography and Cooking.
I suppose no one will be surprised that my 3 biggest passions in life are Photography, Wildlife and Cooking.
Since the age of 4, my parents supported my interests. I remember getting my parents' old camera and taking photos with that, until I had saved enough money to buy a kodak 110. Since then almost all money I have ever saved has ended up on photography. I have a number of film cameras, I rarely use them these days.
I shoot using Sony DSLRs.
What about the other 2 passions?
I grew up in the countryside and got to look after and work with a variety of fauna. I realised that a job in wildlife would be very rewarding, but wasn't for me, then.
I have flirted with the professional cooking route in life, but fortunately a reasonably severe car crash put an end to that before it became my life.
Yes, fortunately! A massive change of direction was needed.
I just had to get a job. I ended up at BT. A bottom upon a seat, plumbed into a call centre. I moved teams and found something a bit more technical. ISDN tech support. Got bored. Left and carried on in telecoms for another ten years or so.
All the time putting photos I had taken around my desk.
Eventually, having been asked by too many people "why aren't you a professioanl photographer?" and "what are you doing here, when you can do that?", I took the plunge & started business.
Tom Vooght Photography may sound great, but the middle word (my surname) proves challenging for almost everyone.
So TMV Media Ltd was born.
Here I am. A photographer in a sea of photographers.
Will I make it?
I hope so.
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