Tuesday, 5 October 2010

New Business Cards..

I have now almost completely run out of my last business cards.  I can't remember how many I ordered last time. 

They have gone down well and were memorable.  However the old design no longer meets my needs. It's the cow picture by my profile..

So..  What to do?  I asked some friends of mine, notably one of London's most creative Ad men.  So I now have a way forward.  One card to cover my wildlife prints, one for portraiture and one for the area I want to expand - event photography.  I will post the designs, once I have new cards in my hands.

Printing of aforementioned new cards? Well, there is only one logical choice in my mind - streetcards! Not heard of them? I would suggest that you give them a look at their website. They offer a few great things. Firstly one can upload one's own image for the card. Min order is just 25 cards. The second is in my opinion a vital option - go for the matt lamination. It makes the cards look and feel great. If one can not be bothered to create one's own card design, then just choose from one of 400 or so designs available on the site.

Price is always a factor, but they're in line with other companies. The last point is one of the most vital in any business, an all round great service..

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