Wednesday, 29 September 2010
Today my flickr photos have had over 3,500 views. This is the most I have ever had in a single 24hr period.
My latest set of photos can be seen here
Tuesday, 28 September 2010
pre-flight check
This is currently my "most interesting" photograph on Flickr.
How did I get this shot? Is a question asked by a few....
I was coming back into my house having been out in my wild garden taking photos of other creatures, I almost stepped on this chap..
The concrete slabs outside my back door face north, the day had started sunny but wasn't very warm. This Damselfy had landed, but didn't seem to have the energy to move.
I dashed into the house and grabbed my fashgun (Sony HVL 42-AM).
Lying down, with the lens hood of my 100mm f2.8 macro lens scuffing on the concrete, I held my camera in my right hand relying on the auto-focus, as with my left hand I held the flash (works wirelessly with my DSLR) directly above this fantastic insect and was pleased with this shot. Looks great printed at B+ (the biggest I can print at home)...
Quite menacing.. However, even at this size, it is still smaller than the dragonflies and damselfies that used to live alongside the dinosaurs...
Photo burblings
I took my first photos when I was a child. I don't know how old I was, I suspect I could find out. I was shown the basics at that early age by "Dawsie" as I called her, her real name was Mrs Dawson. She was great. She had spent most of her life in Africa, Kenya mainly iirc. Her big passions were photography, wildlife and cooking.
It's a shame she died before she could see that I had grown up sharing those three passions.
Around the same time that Dawsie was teaching me all about the 3 important things in life, my parents decided to get a new camera for themselves, so I could use my Dad's old Kodak Instamatix. A film (analogue) camera.
I have got a few of the photos from these days, but most of them have been lost... I will find what I have and upload these at some stage, for your amusement.
As time went by, I became the photographer for family events, friends, etc.
In the last few years I have been asked why I am not a 100% Pro-photographer....
My working life began in a kitchen and through various mishaps and adventures has progressed through to my current role in the corporate rat-race... It would seem that the definition of a professional photographer is that 50% or more of one's income comes from photography.
I'm not there yet, but really striving to get there now.
So the photos I do have on-line, where are they? I use Flickr at the moment, as I have unlimited storage, for a small amount each year.. The other joy of Flickr is that I have been getting lots of great feedback on my work. It also has lots of extensions, of which my current favourite is Darkr. This link will take you straight to my photos, as sorted by Darkr. My photos have been sorted by "interestingness" I know it's not a proper word, it's a Flickr word.. It doesn't mean most viewed, but factors in comments and favourited images.
All my photos on Flickr - here
My most interesting 20 photos - here
Top hat chat
On Saturday (25th September), I went to Brisfest with the sole purpose of getting some good photographs.
I had already decided that I would give Bristol's Community Festival a copy of the photos with permission to use for the benefit of Brisfest.
I saw these two chatting and decided that if they didn't object, I would grab the moment. This has been taken with an extra wide angle lens (Tokina 11-16mm), so I had to get in really close.
No objections.
It has since transpired that one of them is a friend of one of my friends, so awaiting feedback on his feelings of the photo.
At this moment in time, I think that this is the best portrait I've taken.
A festival moment.